
Opuntia Variegated 10 Inch Nursery Pot

  • $96.00

The cactus Opuntia paddle cactus Cochenillifera Variegated has a golden striation similar to a watermelon! This is a vast family of cactus with meaty oval paddles that are growing in a bush form. This is a larger 10 inch nursery pot size. Best fit is a 10 inch ceramic planter.

Opuntia like bright direct & indirect light and like a thorough watering. Allow soil to dry out thoroughly over 2-3 weeks.

Available in the nursery pot. Photographed in the Momma Pot Black 10 Inch Cylinder. You can customize with a unique, eye catching planter! We have many to choose from and will pot up your plant in a planter of your choice!